Who I am
I’m Jessie, and I’ve been trying to cure myself for over ten years from anxiety, PTSD, and hormonal issues. I’ve tried everything (ok, not everything, but it does feel that way sometimes) and some things have worked really well, some things have worked really well for a little while, and some things haven’t worked at all.
Naturally I landed on the side of social media where it feels like everyone and their mother (no literally, everyone and their mother) seems to be suffering from the same weird autoimmune-hormone imbalance-anxiety symptoms as me. And being a person with anxiety, including health anxiety, I have pretty obsessively searched for something that can make me feel better.
I haven’t found a miracle cure yet, but I’m still looking. I decided to make Jessie Cures Herself to document the things I’ve tried, to share with others what is working and what isn’t working, and to (hopefully) develop some kind of community where we can talk to one another and feel less alone about all of the strange and sometimes beautiful things our bodies do.
Welcome, I’m glad you’re here.